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September 16, 2012

Back to basics with more Organic Freeform crochet

Going back to the Freeform Organic crochet again

using more natural yarns and interesting yarn combinations

also going to have a go at growing some Flax seeds next year and try to spin some Linen from it
as we have a Flaxmill restoration going on just down the road

If you need a pattern as promised a month or so ago, then PM me.

for my own sanity I am going back to the Freeform ideas I started at the beginning of the year and
the Freeform shapes I started over two years ago along with all the other natural and organic shapes that have kept me going over the last few weeks..
with some applied ideas thrown in for good measure, with a bit of embroidery as well.

one or two leaves....
lots of waves and circles and organic shapes...
might even finish the organic coat hanger...

Hugs x