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December 29, 2012

December 28, 2012

New CROCHET project

Same stitch as the bolster...Moss St. stripes.
The new lap blanket is so cosy and a perfect size at 38" x 56"
I will make this one again in a different colour way.
Hope everyone had a Great Christmas and you are all ready for 2013?
2012 has disappeared so fast don't you think?
Thinking of a picture collection for 2012 so many pictures I still can't show you but i am sure i can find 12 for 2012.
Hugs to all x

December 7, 2012

BIRDCAGE WALLPAPER...bedroom may be

Acouple of days ago I saw this wallpaper in B&M Stores...another Arthouse wallpaper
thought it might look good in the en suite and our bedroom.

just on the top bit where the silver wresath is and one wall in the en suite.
 We plan on a new suite in spring next year...may be I should wait?
probably not though got the wallpapering bug, about right for me just before Christmas hehe
enjoy your weekend everyone xx

December 5, 2012

Let's see it today is any easier?

Not too sure what had happened to my laptop for the last couple of days, I down loaded something and it seemed to take over Google Chrome so I deleted it and added Internet Explorer...not so easy to use all sorts of things disappeared and changed...this morning they all seem to be back again so lets see if I can add this post as before!
Eventually got the wallpapering done.....just two rolls but they have been lookig at me for months now
so far so good.....!
They hate each other and a scrap usually happened when Mr T pushed his luck, he can be a bit of a bully sometimes and Lettuce although big is timid and a good girl, she never used to fight back but wasn't going to put up with Mr T's bad behaviour so she packs a wallop now....Mr T will still try it on sometimes, but does give her a wider birth than before.
James weighted her the other day...a big cat and she weighs 1st 2lbs hehe a a big girl hey?
Put my hand out to get another ball of wool yesterday and I got a furry purrrrr. lol
Splodge had snook into my wool bag and I didn't see him hehe.
Can't believe everything with the blog seems to be back to normal again.
My first Christmas party tonight...lucky, my 6 weekly hair appointment is today too.
Have a fun day xx

December 4, 2012

Crochet bolster..Moss st. stripes

Really having all sorts of problem this morning uploading picture.....
Hoping this is the end to it....
 enjoy your day hugs xx

December 2, 2012


We bought a purple sofa a few months it to look at 
but it is soooo uncomfortable that I decided to move it into the dining room and bring a couple of the Ikea bouncy chairs into the lounge, for now at least.
I needed a foot stool, the ones that go with the chairs fill up too much space.
This was a good solution....£3.99 from B&M Stores

strong enough to stand on and great storage...I bought A LIME GREEN ONE months ago.
the fabric that it is made with is nasty, so it needed a cover....I found a piece of crochet that had never been finished, lots of those in my craft room lol
It was originally meant to be a blanket, then I thought it would make a garden chair cover....
but has been re-modelled into a cube/storage/seat/ foot stool for the new look comfy, winter crochet/TV space in the corner of the lounge.
Just big enough
so my little Winter crochet corner is almost complete, just need to finish the Moss st. blanket

Have fun xx