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February 5, 2012


Half done hiding in bags, boxes and cupboards, THE PROMISE A MONTH CONTINUES

As l had a very odd January l didn't finish the 1st PROMISE, 
but it was a biggy so l will keep working on it 

My 2nd PROMISE is ALREADY about 2/3rds complete.....

I have lots of rainbow stuff half done so it started me off on a sort of vintage 70's feel blanket

This was a small rainbow cushion front half done so I ripped and blended...

each colour with a random dyed sock yarn for the 1st two rounds and the 3rd round was blended with a different colour or lighter yarn

each small ball was enough to do the 3 round GS and a enough to do a small flower in each colour may be?
giving me another set of squares, enough to do a third 9 GS block 
with 4 left over to start the 4th block 

this is the first one l made from something but l can't remember what it was now and l only did it about a week ago...blame it on the head cold shall I?

joined with black for a change and a sort of vintage feel
each set is blended in a different way...

'A reference blanket'

Thanks again for the get wells..they really uplift my spirits right now and make me feel so much better 
hugs to all xx